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An Improved Approach to Home Study

Home Study - Take a look at our new and improved system!

Dear parents,

The Mosslands School is committed to developing resilient and resourceful students with a love of learning. We believe that to be successful students must demonstrate high levels of responsibility in managing their learning to develop learning habits that will lead to high performance in external examinations and the knowledge and skills needed for employment and personal fulfilment.

We expect all of our students to spend time and effort outside of school refining the skills they have learnt during lessons and striving for mastery of their learning. In response to this you will be pleased to know that we have recently improved our Home Study provision for your son.

Both you and your son can now access a full range of Home Study tasks for every subject area on our school website. After opening the Mosslands school website you need to simply go to the main menu and select Students – Your Learning or follow this link…Home Study at Mosslands

You can then choose the subject area, followed by the relevant year group. You will then be able to access the curriculum map and home study tasks for every half term.

This is an example for a Year 9 Chemistry student.

The curriculum map shows a breakdown of the topics each student can expect to study each half term and in the third column there are a set of Home Study tasks that we would encourage them to engage with outside of the classroom.

At the start of each new topic the class teacher will make reference to the Home Study tasks on the Sims Learning Gateway (SLG) and in the lesson. This is an opportunity for your son to make a note of the tasks in their planner. They can also access computers in school during lunch in AX4 and after school in the library to support them if they have difficulty accessing the internet at home.

Teachers will acknowledge and reward the completion of Home Study through reward points and accolades.

We would appreciate any feedback about this new approach.

Yours faithfully


Mrs Abi Cassidy

Assistant Headteacher of Teaching & Learning