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''HE4ALL'' Year 10 Performance

As part of the school’s Aimhigher programme the Universal Impact Theatre group was in school to deliver a ‘HE4ALL’ drama performance exploring the potential benefits of Higher Education to over 150 year 10 pupils

As part of the school’s Aimhigher programme the Universal Impact Theatre group was in school to deliver a ‘HE4ALL’ drama performance exploring the potential benefits of Higher Education to over 150 year 10 pupils

The performance explored the many options facing young people today and the benefits offered by Higher Education over a lifetime.
For example, just some of the things could potentially lead to:
  • Better quality of life
  • Better professional life = better earnings
  • Better career
  • Better rewards
The performance emphasized that if you really work hard and challenge yourself the rewards and feelings of achievement will be fantastic, and having an aim is something to be proud of. You will make new friends, discover new activities and really enhance and develop your skills.