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Engineering Your Future

Year 9 pupils enjoy an educational drama production, ‘Construct your Life / Engineer your Future’,  aimed at informing students of the vast array of career opportunities within the Engineering Construction Industry


On Thursday 7th October Year 9 pupils were able to watch, ‘Construct your Life / Engineer your Future’, a dynamic and motivational presentation aimed at informing students of the vast array of career opportunities within the Engineering Construction Industry. The interactive presentation provided an excellent overview of this important industry sector exploring progression routes via three recognised paths – Professional (University), Technician (College) and Craft (Apprenticeship).

Students enjoying the showNo matter what route students may wish to take in the future, key information was given during the presentation which is relevant to many industries and career paths.

Mrs Rycroft Careers Coordinator, ‘The presentation was very informative, and delivered in a fun and engaging way for students.’

For more information on careers in this sector see

DramaBrainiacsA full house