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Our Mission & Values

What Drives Us at Mosslands

Mission Statement

All members of our school community have the highest expectations for every student, supporting them to become lifelong learners and good citizens ready to contribute positively to the wider, diverse community.  We, in partnership with families, will strive to build ambition in each and every student by creating high-quality learning opportunities – both inside and outside the classroom – to develop knowledge, skills and good habits necessary to succeed in a technologically advanced world.

The school has a warm and caring ethos, and we foster a sense of ambition within our pupils.

"Pupils told inspectors that they feel safe. Relationships between pupils and teachers are typically positive. Pupils know that there is someone they can speak with if they are worried about something." OFSTED 2021

Care, commitment, challenge, TRACK Values

These core values shape everything we do, fostering a supportive and ambitious learning community.
Teamwork, Respect, Ambition, Community, Knowledge

  • We demonstrate community spirit through our mentoring programs with local primary schools and our active participation in charity events.
  • Our comprehensive career guidance and personal development programs empower students to make informed choices about their futures.
  • We provide a broad and challenging curriculum, with pathways for every student to excel and develop the knowledge and skills for success.
  • We believe in a strong partnership between students, parents, and our school to promote shared values and high expectations.


The Mosslands Difference

Our commitment to STE@M excellence, along with our focus on each student's individual success, delivers outstanding outcomes. We're proud of our consistently high progression rates into higher education and employment. All of this is achieved within a warm and supportive school community.

"Teachers have raised their expectations of how pupils behave during lessons. Consequently, most pupils behave well in lessons. They listen carefully to teachers’ instructions. Students in the sixth form are positive role models". OFSTED 2021