Message from Mr Whiteley
As we prepare for the end of term, I would once again like to thank everybody for their on going support over this very long term. Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot to celebrate in school, including a very successful Challenge Partnership inspection. A group of school leaders led by an experienced inspector visited the school to look at lessons and books, and to speak to students and staff. Their report was positive, and it is comforting to know that the school is clearly moving in the right direction. We have also seen a Santa Dash which raised £450 for Wirral Ark and just this week, our Sixth Form students delivered hampers to the elderly and vulnerable residents in our locality. If any families are feeling the strain of the current financial crisis and need help with food or any other advice over the festive period, please let us know as soon as possible, as our food bank is available until lunchtime tomorrow.
Plans for the new building are gaining pace, and we hope to be able to share some more detailed plans for the new building in the very near future.
School will finish tomorrow after period 4 at 12.40pm. Grab bags will be available for boys on free school meals. Students may wear a Christmas jumper in addition to their school uniform.
I would like to wish all of you a happy and restful Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing everybody safe and well as we return on 8th January to start the new year.