A Message from Mr Whiteley
Thanks for your continuing support in what has been a very busy half term.
For Year 11 students, this is the start of a very industrious time. There are some further mock examinations for students to hone their exam skills and some additional testing in lessons. This is part of preparing students for their final GCSEs which are now only a few weeks away. For parents of Year 9, if anyone has not yet returned option forms or made their intentions clear, please use the links on the website to get these completed as soon as possible. For parents of Year 10 students, a reminder that work experience for Year 10s starts early next term. For any students still not placed, this is an opportunity to explore any potential placements in areas that you will find interesting. as there is very limited time left. Anyone struggling for a placement should contact Mrs Rycroft immediately after half-term.
We are delighted that our STE@M coordinator, Mr Lam, has been nominated for the ERA Prize for all of the work he puts into creating opportunities for our students to engage in STE@M activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.
Congratulations to all of the students who took part in this year's Spelling Bee. This has been the busiest year ever and the 9 students who have made it to Friday's final should be very proud, they are a credit to the school and their families.
From the beginning of next term, we will be offering a new menu in the canteen. Members of the Student Council have worked with the kitchen staff in designing this new menu in response to suggestions from students. We will, of course, continue to listen to what the students tell us about how to make things better.
School closes for the half-term holiday at 3.20pm tomorrow, I would like to wish you all a restful break and I look forward to seeing students return to school safe, well and in full uniform on Monday 26th February.