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Institute of Physics 6th Form Annual Lecture

6th form A level Physics students enjoyed the opportunity of attending the Institute of Physics Christmas lecture on the ‘Challenges of Predicting Weather and Climate.’



Institute of Physics 6th Form Annual Lecture

Challenges of Predicting Weather and Climate

Chadwick Lecture Theatre

University of Liverpool



6th form A level Physics students enjoyed the opportunity of attending the Institute of Physics Christmas lecture on the ‘Challenges of Predicting Weather and Climate.’

The lecture enabled the students to learn more about the evidence for climate change, the challenges scientists have in using models to predict future climate, and the uncertainty of these predictions.

Harry Johnstone Year 12, ‘The topic of weather and climate was very interesting. The speaker began with a general introduction before discussing in detail some of the methods used to predict the weather. Attention was also given to the many improvements climate scientists have made to the technology used to ensure forecast are as accurate as possible. I really enjoyed the lecture, and can appreciate the importance of physics in this field and potential opportunities after 6th form.’