Year 11 Review Day
Reminder to Y11 students and parents that it is Y11 Review day on Friday 26th November
A friendly reminder to Y11 students and parents that Friday 26th November is Y11 Review Day. It is a non-uniform event in which students are only required to be in school for the time of their appointment with their form tutor. All appointments are in the main school hall. Parents are welcome to attend.
Your form tutor will give details of current progress and forecast results for your GCSE’s. It is an opportunity for you to discuss your targets with your form tutor and discuss your plans for next September.
Mr. Taylor , Mosslands School’s Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator and Mrs Christine Baldwin from Connexions will be on hand to offer advice about your Post 16 options, along with representatives from Wirral Met College. Miss Goalen and Mr Burn, from the Y11 Office will also be a available to assist with any other enquiries.