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Media Bus Visits Mosslands

On the 3rd March the Radio City Media Bus visited the Mosslands School and spent time with students working in creative media sessions. 

Students in the onboard sound studio

On the 3rd March the Radio City Media Bus visited the Mosslands School and spent time with students working in creative media sessions. 

42 students from Years 7, 9 and Sixth Form took part in the sessions on the Media Bus which is equipped with state of the art media recording equipment. 
The boys were given the brief that they were to create a radio advertisement to promote The Mosslands School. Media Bus manager Paul Fenton explained to the students how radio advertisers used the I.C.E formula when creating adverts for clients (Intro, Content, Exit)
Students interviewed members of the school staff who were acting as the clients and took notes. Then in small groups they created a Mosslands slogan, scripted their radio adverts on Apple MacBooks and recorded their adverts in the onboard radio studio.
The recordings were then professionally edited using GarageBand software and mixed with songs, radio jingles and sound clips. Pupils received a copy of their finished adverts via Bluetooth to their mobile phones.
233 In the board room Working together with Mrs Cassidy writing the advertisement script