A Level results
Once again we have achieved some exceptional results across the board. Ross Mercer and Jack Sharpen both achieved three of the highest grades to take their places at Bristol University to study Medicine and Manchester University to study Biochemistry respectively.
Once again we have achieved some exceptional across the board. Ross Mercer and Jack Sharpen both achieved three of the highest grades to take their places at Bristol University to study Medicine and Manchester University to study Biochemistry respectively. Matthew Howgate another of the stars of the year achieved an A*, an A, and 2 B grades to take his place at Nottingham University to study Mathematics.
Other notable results include Drama students where incredibly all students achieved the highest grades possible and are all leaving to take up places on Drama degree courses; A level Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology all achieved a 100% pass rate; the vocational subjects of Sport, ICT and Art and Design again achieved a 100% pass rate. These are exceptionally good results.
Headteacher Adrian Whiteley commented “Once again these results are testament to the hard work and dedication of the staff and students. I am pleased to say that all of the students who applied to university have been successful, with the vast majority the students gaining a place at their university of first choice. I am delighted about the success of those students studying vocational subjects and pathways, once again the vast majority have successfully moved onto further education, training or employment underlining the exceptional job that we do as a school in preparing our students for lifelong learning”.