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Year 8 Options Evening

Year 8 Option Choices Evening – Tuesday 23rd January 2018 from 6.30pm – 8.00pm

Dear Parent / Carer

I am writing to invite you to our Year 8 Option Choices Evening on Tuesday 23rd January from 6.30pm – 8.00pm.

I am sure that you will be aware there have been a number of changes to the National Curriculum for students over the last few years and there has been an increased focus on English, maths, sciences, the humanities subjects and languages. This group of subjects is known collectively as the Ebacc group.

In order to best prepare your son for his GCSEs we have made the decision, as a school, to bring forward Options choices from year 9 to year 8. This will allow us to increase the number of option choices for your son and give him more time to ensure he is best prepared for success in his GCSE subjects.

The options booklet, explaining the choice of courses that your child can choose from, will be available on the evening. A copy will also be available to download from the website from this date. At the Year 8 Option Choices Evening, besides being able to discuss options with subject teachers, you will also be able to ask them any subject specific questions. General questions will be answered by Mr Sanford who will be available throughout the evening. Careers advisors will also be present on the night to offer advice.

Year 8 Parents Evening will take place on Thursday 01st February 2018.

The completed options form must be returned to school, to form tutors, by Friday 2nd February 2018. This parent/carers’ evening will be crucial in making decisions about your son’s future and we would greatly appreciate your attendance.

Yours sincerely

Mr Adrian Whiteley
