Year 8 and 9 Mosslands STEM scholars visit PPMA Total Show!
Fifteen of us, from Years 8 & 9 set out very early on a misty October morning to attend an event being held at the NEC in Birmingham. Unexcitingly it was called the PPMA Total Show and is one of the largest Processing and Packaging Machinery Exhibitions in the UK and it was well worth the visit.
This was a convention displaying all different types of machines and robots needed and used for packaging and processing foods and other necessities before they make it onto the supermarket shelf. In fact, when we got there we were overwhelmed by the massive warehouse full of technology and it was hard to walk past some of the amazing stalls when we first got there Then once inside and settled we were guided through the bright and shiny stalls, all wanting to tell us the story of their business brimming with professional and facts.
The day started with a French robot called “Nao” showing us his amazing balance, Tai Chi and boxing skills, all with the aim of showing us all what you can do with your coding skills and why we do it at school. Some of the things we were shown included robots that work around humans and could help them day to day and industrial robots that can’t work or interact with human. I didn’t know robots came in so many shapes and sizes and could do so much, it really broadened my mind on the business and job opportunities in the industry.
My favourite presentation was about the Bloodhound LSR, (Land Speed Record) which is a British Supersonic Land vehicle powered by jet and rockets engines which has the goal of going 1000 mph and set a new world record. After this presentation we even got to have a go on a Bloodhound simulator!
Another fun exhibit was the “footballing robot that you controlled via a tablet, I just had a great day
It was all very interesting and I learnt a lot about the skills required to be successful in STEM industries, it was a great to look into the world of PPMA (honestly) and also to we got some fantastic freebies and lots and lots of sweets!
Thanks PPMA Best.