Christmas Letter to Parents
15 December 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the end of another busy and successful term at Mosslands, I’d like to thank you for your continued support in these challenging times. Despite the continuing restrictions in regard to the pandemic we have been able to offer all of our students full access to the curriculum whilst returning some of the lowest infection rates in the region. We were proud to be able to ensure that practical lessons resumed from the start of the year in all subjects, this helps bring the subjects to life and builds on the strengths of many of our learners. The fact that we were able to quickly resume a “normal” environment and the great response we’ve had from our students, gives us confidence that our students will be better prepared than most, especially those in their final years of GCSE and A level.
The enrichment programme has seen a number of STEM activities re-emerge (include the RAF KS3 virtual glider challenge for which we received a prestigious mention in dispatches) alongside our approval as a STEM leaders centre, whilst our sports teams continue to excel on the football pitch. I would like to thank all of the staff, students and parents for their time and enthusiasm in making this such a successful term and I look forward to even more success in the New Year.
We have had a stunning return from our charitable activities this term, raising thousands of pounds for local and national charities through activities ranging from Bake sales (£600 in 3 days!) to the biggest Santa dash in years. Our older boys have also this week delivered hundreds of gift hampers to our local residents to raise a little Christmas cheer and to let our neighbours know that we are all part of the same community. All of these activities are only possible because of the generosity of our friends and families, so I thank you all.
You will, no doubt, know that we were visited by Ofsted early in October. While the report rightly identifies issues that require improvement, I am happy that they recognised the many areas of strength within the school, particularly the quality of what they saw in lessons, and that we clearly have the capacity to secure the best possible outcomes for our learners. You will see that many of the concerns are a direct result of gaps caused by the pandemic; I can reassure you that we were making good progress on these issues prior to their visit and will continue to do our best for our learners as we move forward.
On Friday 17 December (Christmas jumper day – jumpers / tops worn over school trousers and school shirt), the school will close at lunchtime (12.25) for the start of the Christmas break, please encourage your son to go directly home and not to loiter in public areas. Any pupil requiring a school meal can pick up a packed lunch from the canteen; there will be no hot service on Friday, as the canteen will be shut for planned maintenance. As we close, we say a sad goodbye to the talented Ms Dietsch who is leaving to return to Australia. Ms Dietsch has been an outstanding member of our English department and had led the schools fantastic work on Literacy for the past 3 years. She will be greatly missed by us all.
In line with the latest directive from the government, there will be a phased re-opening in January, pupils will be required to take a Covid test before returning to school. Those who have already given permission need do nothing else, if you have not yet given permission or have elected to not give permission, please complete the form that will be sent out this week. Testing arrangements / times in class order will also be sent out with the Covid information, but a summary is below;
- Yr 7, 11 and 6th form will attend for testing only on 4th Jan, returning to lessons on Wednesday 5th
- Yr 8 and 10 will attend for testing only on 5th January, returning to lessons on Thursday 6th
- Yr 9 and any late tests will attend for testing only on 6th, returning to lessons on Friday 7th
On behalf of all of the staff and governors, I wish you and your families a happy, restful and safe Christmas.
Adrian Whiteley