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LEGO Robotics Challenge

LEGO Robotics Challenge - North West Regional Final at EDGE HILL

For the last months, some of our very talented Year 7 and 8  coders and young engineers have been preparing for the opportunity to represent Mosslands and  compete in the  LEGO Robotics Challenge - North West Regional Final at Edge Hill University.  This has required them to work very closely as a team and spend many evenings after school preparing for the big day. The competition is very competitive with a range of challenges, the team was broken down into designers, builders, program coders and presenters giving each member of the team “Mosslands Lego Lads” the opportunity to display their  new skills and knowledge in a competitive arena.

One key part of the competition was to create and deliver a “dragons den” style presentation to a panel of experts on how to 'future-proof engineering' and then to answer questions on their “Lego journey” since  starting the challenge back in October.  The presentation was tense and required high levels of  confidence from the team, happily  the panel was very impressed with the delivery and enthusiastic attitudes of  our pupils.

Over the day the team  show cased the many variations of the robot they had designed, coded and built and completed all the set  challenges.  Although team  Mosslands LEGO lads did not come  away with a winners medal, the whole team thoroughly enjoyed the contest and will take inspiration from developing their STEM soft skills and are looking forward to future STEM challenges.

“This STEM challenge has helped me  develop a mind-sets to be more creative and imaginative, and I really enjoyed the experience.”   Ash Year 8

“The LEGO/STEM competition at Edge Hill University promoted a lot of team work, communication and collaborative skills..  and I thorougly enjoyed the tasks and challenges set”  Diego Year 8