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A Tasty Careers Story

When Centres of Excellence meat!

Today year 8 were lucky enough to have an assembly from Pilgrim’s UK from Bromborough. The assembly had a careers focus. Our visitors showed the boys a video of the factory and discussed the various career opportunities in food Manufacturing and production. Pilgrims UK has local premises in Bromborough and the year 8 will also have the opportunity to complete an application form, to be selected to go to the factory and complete a real-life tour, during the Autumn term!  Pilgrims UK are also offering to come into school and support our Food Technology departments too!


Pilgrims UK is a great local employer connection for The Mosslands School. We are really excited to have Pilgrims UK on board, helping us to bring our careers programme to life!


We were also visited on Monday by a local farmer and representatives from the National Farmers Union. They gave a presentation to a group of year 8 and 9 students, who had applied for the opportunity, about the wide range of careers in farming.  Further information on Farming Careers can be found at   KD/AR/MNL