Expanding Horizons

At first glance, you could be mistaken in thinking these Year 11 Mosslands students are standing in front of the South elevation of St Georges Hall. However, these lads are in fact in front of Wilkins Hall UCL (University College London)! Working closely with the excellent Liverpool John Moores University, Access All Areas students admissions outreach team, a group of students visited UCL to gain a brief insight into London University life.
We took a group of academically gifted Year 11 students to do a taster day at a top London University, namely UCL. (Consistently ranked as one of the top ten universities in the world) The day consisted of a campus tour, around their historical and compact campus, followed by a hands-on anthropology lecture, similar to that which they could expect if they attended UCL. An appetising hot free lunch was also provided and the chance to meet one of the founding Fathers of the University.
The meeting was a one-way conversation, but our students found it “interesting” when they were introduced to a founding figure from UCL’s past, Jeremy Benham, (1748 – 1832), as his skeleton, dressed in his original clothing, is on public display in a large glass display cabinet obviously minus actual head as this was considered too gruesome to display!
The visit aimed to expand students' educational horizons, promote H.E., inspire and further dispel myths about going to university, and I’m sure the spiritual founder of UCL, Jeremy Bentham, would heartily agree that university is for the many and not a few!