Our policy is to ensure that all students have the lowest possible absence rate with an expectation of no more than 3% absence, that is 97% attendance.
We wish to inform you of significant changes to our use of the automated Truancy Call System. this call will be activated at 9.30 am and will be informed by student marks in morning registration and any late marks from the main office.
Students should be on the school site at 8.40 am and in their form room for registration by 8.45 am. Students who arrive between 8.45 am and 9.00 am should sign in at the main office and go straight to their form room. Students arriving after 9.00 am must sign in at the main office and go straight to their first lesson. Failure to follow this procedure will mean that the student is not registered, and a truancy call will be sent.
These changes were made to enhance our safeguarding procedures, and I trust that as parents/carers you will support the school and discuss their importance with your son.
5 days absence (10 sessions) or more
We take this level of absenteeism extremely seriously. If your son is absent for 5 days or more during the course of the year, you will be invited into school to discuss any issues with the attendance team. This is in line with LA guidance. We will pursue fixed penalty notices as appropriate.
Why does attendance matter?
Days off school add up to lost learning and
diminished life chances!
You have 175 non-school days per year to spend on family time, visits, holidays, shopping, household jobs and other appointments.
· In line with government guidelines we do not authorise term time holiday leave to any student.
· Absence during examination periods are not authorised and parents are asked to find out in advance when these are scheduled for.
· Form tutors will regularly talk to students about their attendance.
If a student is absent for any reason, we ask that parents telephone the school on the first day of absence to prevent ‘Truancy Call’ being sent and ask that a note be provided to support this on their return. You can contact the school anytime day or night: 0151 638 8131 and while the message is being played dial 1 to leave a message to report the absence.
Please speak clearly leaving your son’s name and form, the reason for absence and anticipated return date.
Should you be unable to make contact with the school, we will assist by using a ‘Truancy Call’ service. This service is automated and will try to contact home periodically throughout the day until the call is answered. When answering the call you will be able to give the reason for absence and the call will then stop.
If the absence is protracted, parents are asked to contact the relevant head of house. Boys who have unavoidable medical or other appointments during school time should take the appointment card or note to the school receptionist 24 hours in advance of the appointment. We ask that students do not miss the whole day for any dental or medical appointments.
The Mosslands School also takes punctuality very seriously and any students who are late will be expected to attend a 30 minute detention the same day. Parents will be sent a text to inform them of the detention. Failure to attend will result in an hour long detention the following day.