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About the course

Biology is an exciting area of study at the moment with a growing interest and focus on genetic engineering, gene technology, stem cell research, the human genome, medicine and environmental issues, there has never been a more exciting time to become a Biologist and the AQA course in Biology offers an excellent way in. The new specification has resulted in a slimmed down assessment structure that takes on board the changes already brought in at GCSE for Science

AS Biology

The AQA specification for AS Biology will cover the following topics.

  1. Biological molecules
  2. Cells
  3. Exchange of substances
  4. Genetic information and variation

A2 Biology

The AQA specification for A2 Biology will in addition to the areas covered in AS cover the following topics.

  1. Energy transfers
  2. Responding to stimuli
  3. Population genetics and evolution
  4. The control of gene expression

How will it be assessed?

The above content together with the content covered in AS will be examined by 3 x 2 hour exams.

You will also have to complete 12 assessed practical tasks throughout the course.

What is expected of you:

You will be expected to attend all lessons and complete all tasks on time. You must have a good understanding of GCSE Maths and Chemistry as you will be expected to carry out calculations. There is also a major emphasis on Biochemistry in all modules. You should be organised and able to manage your time affectively.

What it prepares you for:

Higher Education                                                     

  • Veterinary science
  • Medicine
  • Genetics


  • Medicine
  • Vet
  • Microbiologist
  • Forensic science
  • Biochemist

Qualification details:

AQA AS/A2 Biology

Specification code: 7401 7402

QAN code: 601/4624/2; 601/4625/4

Entry requirements:

At least 5 GCSE grades at 5-9

Students who wish to take Biology at A-level need to achieve grades 7 - 9 at GCSE Biology.

For more information:

If you are an internal applicant, please talk to your biology teacher about the possibility of studying biology in the sixth form. Or you may choose to talk to Mrs K Weston (Senior Lead:Science)

If you are an external applicant and would like more details about this course please email