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Parent Governor

Dear Parent/Carer

We are seeking to recruit a parent governor at the earliest possible opportunity.

Anyone who has or has had a child in our school is eligible to undertake this role, and we would welcome all applications, no matter what your experience, skills or qualifications. All we are looking for is someone who has a genuine interest in helping us continue to move the school forward on a voluntary basis for the benefit of our community.

Our governors work together to carry out their core functions:

  • Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
  • Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard

Governors must also ensure that the governing body itself complies with all legal and statutory requirements. Governors should seek the advice of the clerk to the governing board and other professional advice as appropriate.

Governing body strategic responsibilities

Our governing body works closely with the headteacher and senior leaders. The headteacher is responsible for day to day management, whereas the role of the governing body is strategic. As such, governors are responsible for:

  • Determining the mission, values and long-term ambitious vision for the school
  • Deciding the principles that guide school policies and approving key policies
  • Working with senior leaders to develop a strategy for achieving the vision
  • Ensuring that parents, pupils, staff and the wider community are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate
  • Ensuring that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum such that pupils are well-prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life
  • Setting the school’s budget and ensuring it is managed effectively together with premises and other resources
  • Agreeing the school’s staffing structure and keeping it under review to ensure it supports delivery of the strategy
  • Ensuring robust risk management procedures are in place and that risk control measures are appropriate and effective

Monitoring and evaluating school performance

Governors must monitor the priorities that have been set to ensure progress is being made by:

  • Measuring the school’s impact and progress towards its strategic objectives
  • Ensuring the required policies and procedures are in place and the school is operating effectively in line with these policies
  • Evaluating relevant data and feedback provided by school leaders and external reporting on all aspects of school performance
  • Asking challenging questions of school leaders in order to hold them to account
  • Holding the headteacher to account for standards, financial probity and compliance with agreed policies
  • Visiting the school to monitor implementation of the strategy and reporting back to the board (this could be in a link governor capacity)
  • Ensuring that there are policies and procedures in place to deal with complaints effectively

Panels and committees

When required, governors are expected to serve on panels or committees in order to:

  • Appoint the headteacher and other senior leaders
  • Appraise the headteacher and make pay recommendations
  • Hear staff grievances and disciplinary matters
  • Review decisions to exclude pupils
  • Deal with formal complaints

Contribution to the governing body

Governors should ensure that they are making a positive and meaningful contribution to the governing body by:

  • Attending meetings (a minimum of 3 full governing board meetings and a number of committee meetings each year), reading papers and preparing questions for senior leaders in advance
  • Establishing and maintaining professional relationships with senior leaders and colleagues on the board
  • Getting to know the school, including visiting the school occasionally during school hours
  • Undertaking induction training and developing knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis


Governors can receive out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of fulfilling their role as governor. Payments can cover incidental expenses, such as travel and dependency care, but not loss of earnings.

If you would be interested, or would like to know more, please contact the school on 0151 638 8131 or email…

Kindest regards

Mr A Whiteley
