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Year 10

Curriculum Map



Half term

Unit(s) of Work

Key Assessments

Year 10

Autumn 1

C1 - Successful businesses


Assignment 1- Exploring enterprise Examine the characteristics of enterprises.

C1- Skills and characteristics of successful businesses

Assignment 1- Exploring enterprise Examine the characteristics of enterprises.

C1- How market research helps enterprises meet customer needs and understand competitor behaviour 

Assignment 2- Explore how market research helps enterprises meet customer needs and understand competitor behaviour.

Autumn 2

C1- Internal factors in business

Assignment 3- Investigate the factors that contribute to the success of an enterprise

C1- Social, Technological, Environmental and Ethical Trends that affect Business

Assignment 3-  Investigate the factors that contribute to the success of an enterprise

Spring 1

C 2-  Describe three potential ideas for micro-enterprise activities obtained using market research

Assignment 1- Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity

Spring 2

C 2

Prepare a comprehensive and realistic plan for a micro-enterprise activity, supported by clear individual research

Assignment 1- Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity

 Assignment 2- Pitch a micro-enterprise activity


Present proposal and evaluate

Assignment 2- Pitch a micro-enterprise activity

Assignment 3- Review own pitch for a micro-enterprise activity.

Summer 1

C3 – Promotion and Finance

Exam – Component 3- Promotion and Finance

Summer 2

C3 – Promotion and Finance

Exam- Component 3 Promotion and Finance